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Data Science Workshops

Testimonials from participants and their managers

Jeroen organised for KPN a ten-week course on Data Science with R. The combination of training, on-site coaching, and remote support ensured that our analysts are applying the new knowledge and skills in their daily projects. For instance, they’re now capable to implement complex predictive models using R. We’re looking forward to the follow-up course on Advanced Machine Learning.

Wouter Egberink
Manager Commercial Analytics at KPN

Jeroen came to our company to help us understand big data and the tools around it. He’s clearly an expert in this field and we enjoyed the course, learnt a lot and one day, when we have more big data, we hope to team up again. I couldn’t recommend them more highly.

Jamie Dobson
CEO at Container Solutions

Even experienced data scientists need to keep working on their skills and knowledge. For the past half a year, Data Science Workshops has come to our office once a month, to teach us about a variety of topics, ranging from NoSQL to t-SNE. This is a great way to stay fresh and look beyond the tools and techniques that you’re already familiar with.

Anne-Marie Dekkers
Data Scientist at ProRail

At Brabant Water, most of us were still using spreadsheets to clean, analyse, and model our data. Thanks to Jeroen, who delivered an engaging, hands-on workshop at our office, many of us have switched to Python and Jupyter Notebook, which allows our analyses to be much more advanced and reliable.

Stijn de Jong
Senior Advisor Water Supply at Brabant Water

Data Science Workshops organised a training at the Xomnia office in Amsterdam about web scraping using R and the rvest package. We acquired all the knowledge and skills required to successfully bring theory into practice. In addition, this training inspired me to get the most out of R by using the various packages from the Tidyverse.

Boris Stapel
Trainee Data Scientist at Xomnia

Besides demonstrating a good knowledge and experience in command-line tools for data science, the instructor had very good training skills, clear communication, and managed to adapt the level of the training to the level of the audience, which is not always easy!

Marc Canaleta
CTO at Social Point

Great workshop! Very well done and very useful information delivered in an excellent and interactive manner. Jeroen anticipated very well on the different knowledge levels within the group. I would highly recommend the Data Science at the Command Line workshop to anyone that is interested in either kickstarting their command-line experiences or improving their data science with Unix power tools.

Sanne Bouwman
Data Scientist at Teradata

Our DataLab team enjoyed a three-day PySpark course from Jeroen. Jeroen’s approach is personal and professional. I recommend Data Science Workshops to anyone in the field of data science.

Laurens Koppenol
Lead Data Scientist at ProRail

One of the best training sessions I’ve had so far. Jeroen is extremely knowledgable, he was able to balance a class of development and non-development participants and still got practical results from everyone. We covered a wide range of topics from Basic Python, Pandas, Data analysis fundamentals, to introductory Machine Learning. It was amazing how much impact his short stay in our HQ, Kano Nigeria had on my general outlook to Python, Data Analysis and ML. I highly recommend Data Science Workshops to anyone at any level

Muyiwa Felixson-Yusuf
Team Lead UI/UX Developer at eHealth Africa

Data Science Workshops was able to skillfully differentiate, addressing various Unix Consultants at Snow with very different skill sets. Jeroen made some people rise above themselves.

Joost Helberg
CTO at Snow

Data Science Workshops facilitated a data hackathon for the data team of Transavia. They made sure it was inspiring, helpful, and leading to valuable insights in the way of working with Python for multiple projects and analyses that Transavia is currently implementing.

Charles Verstegen
Head of Partner Sales and Data & Analytics at Transavia

Attending the bespoke course Data Munging with Pandas at Textkernel has proven to be an excellent choice. Jeroen’s personal approach and highly interactive way of teaching made this course valuable to a diverse group of developers and analysts, as did the possibility to apply theory on our own data and API during the courses. I’ve since been able to code cleaner and more efficient, and applied the pandas package in several monitoring and analytics scripts.

Karlijn Dinnissen
Data Quality Analyst at Textkernel

As a seasoned UNIX command line adept, I didn’t expect to learn much from a Data Science at the Command Line workshop. I was wrong! Over the years, many new tools have become available that I didn’t know about, and that can be combined with traditional tools in new ways. Since attending the workshop, I have been able to simplify and improve the efficiency of many of the scripts I use on a daily basis. Recommended for anyone working from the command line, newbies and ninjas alike!

Joost van Dijk
Manager Middleware Services at SURFnet

The 5-day workshop Data Science with R gave us a glimpse of the possibilities that R has to offer. During the workshop we got to work on actual current projects under the supervision of Jeroen, which was very insightful. Jeroen gave us a lot of practical examples and tips. We’re not quite there yet, but Data Science Workshops gave us a head start!

Arjen Verhulst
Analyst at Gemeente Nijmegen

We received a personalized coaching session from Jeroen and this was very valuable to me. It’s such a skill to correctly estimate the level of the participants, but this was rightly done and the training was perfectly adapted to our needs. Our training had a practical focus and we could use it as a starting point for the rest of our work. This training provided us with the tools and way of thinking to perform the data analyses independently.

Mirthe Groothuis
Project Lead at Dutch Institute for Clinical Auditing

Our Insight & Analytics team followed a five-week course in R provided by Jeroen. The training was built around our own data and challenges and therefore was easily applyable in our daily business. The atmosphere during our training days was always very pleasant and everybody looks back on a very succesful training.

Yannick Jacobs
Manager Insight & Analytics at DPD

Before the six-day workshop with Data Science Workshops, our team of engineers only had some theoretical knowledge of data science and we primarily used costly tools such as Tableau to do data analysis. However, after four days of interactive hands-on sessions with Jeroen, we were able to use Python, our preferred programming language at eHealth Africa, to analyse our data, create some amazing visualisations and even start making machine learning predictions. We moved from theory to real application in a very short period of time, making this workshop extremely valuable. I highly recommend Data Science Workshops.

Aboubacar Sidiki Douno
Senior Software Engineering Manager at eHealth Africa

The Anomaly Detection masterclass by Jeroen provided us with very useful tools to address business issues where (early) detection of anomalies is of the greatest importance. Consider, for instance, early detection of DDoS attacks, credit fraud or insurance fraud. Recommended!

Rik Kleine
Data Science Consultant at KPN ICT Consulting

I found Jeroen to be a wonderfully welcoming, knowledgeable, and patient instructor. He covered content at a very nice pace, and made the workshop feel like a welcoming space where any question was fair game. Thanks to our small class, I really appreciated how he took interest in what each participant wanted to get out of the class, and often asked for feedback so that he could adjust to our level as needed. When we asked him some question that were outside the scope of the workshop’s main content, he even spent some of his breaks researching them to find us answers!

Carolina Simao Roe-Raymond, Ph.D.
Visualization Analyst at Princeton University

Jeroen gave a Python workshop at Textkernel and it was simply perfect. Got all the valuable information needed to get better and better at Python. Jeroen was also teaching R classes at Tilburg University, I attended his classes and I can only suggest him as an extremely prepared instructor.

Alessandro Ausenda
Data Analyst at Textkernel

Data Science Workshops organised the Data Science NL Meetup (a meetup for data aficionados) at our offices in Amsterdam. They found inspiring speakers, arranged recording and live broadcasting on a data science podcast, and—despite a heat wave outside—packed the room with an engaged audience! We only had to make sure we had plenty of pizza and cold drinks. Both the meetup and the networking truly brought the data science community closer together.

Gijs Peters
Location Data Scientist at TomTom

I learned a lot from the in-company workshop on Programming in Python, and thought it was great that Jeroen could improvise around our specific learning needs and thus offer exactly what we wanted to learn without making it too difficult. Also, it was really useful to see what different solutions there were for an exercise, and what was and wasn’t “good” about it—that’s exactly something which is difficult to pick up with self-study.

Floor Buschenhenke
PhD Candidate at Huygens ING (KNAW)

Jeroen delivered a 3-day PySpark training to Textkernel in May 2019. No doubt—this is a 10 out of 10! He is very knowledgeable about the subject matter, has great interactive teaching style, great balance between explaining and practising, includes a lot of hand-on exercises and covers all from low-level to high-level APIs help to understand the logic behind it. Very clear, structured explanations. Highly recommended for beginners and advanced!

Mateusz Wiącek
Head Of Training at Textkernel

Excellent training by a very good trainer who was able to involve a varied audience (in terms of knowledge level) in his story. Nice atmosphere, clear explanation, and a good feeling for his audience.

Serge Bueters
CEO at Squla

I found the training easy to follow; lots of useful information. I also really liked that the trainer was always ready to customize workshop for us. So we could say what we did or did not want to learn and he prepared materials. Now I certainly have some more knowledge about the topic that I can apply in my work.

Anastasia Khomenko
Data Scientist at KPN

Jeroen is a great coach. Because he is able to tailor the course to the business challenges of the participants, the learning curve goes straight up! Jeroen quickly switches to the knowledge level of the participants, so that everyone is guided in a tailored manner.

Bauke Visser
Senior Data Consultant at Textkernel

The workshop was great. With a low entry level, we first got a look under the hood. But soon it was hands-on! It was absolutely fantastic to see how we started working with our own data and how Jeroen answered questions from the audience on-the-fly with tooling connections that we suspected, but had never seen proven. An absolute must.

Erik Borgers
Enterprise Architect at Verdonck, Klooster & Associates

I followed the course Data Science with Python and Spark in 2019 with Jeroen Janssens. Jeroen knows how to convey complex information in an understandable way and combines theory with hands-on assignments in his training courses. That way you can really apply new skills at the end of the day. I can also highly recommend the other courses of Data Science Workshops!

Marissa Helmich
Data Scientist at KPN ICT Consulting

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