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Data Science Workshops

Together you’ll learn better thanks to my workshop Transforming Data with R and the Tidyverse. Do you want to know more about this workshop? Curious how I can adapt it to your needs? Something else? Don’t hesitate to contact me.

Transforming Data with R and the Tidyverse

In this one-day hands-on workshop, RStudio certified instructor Jeroen Janssens will walk you through the so-called tidyverse to transform data. The tidyverse is an ecosystem of R packages that share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures.

We’ll start at the beginning, with importing CSV data using readr and spreadsheets using readxl. We’ll cover the most important functions from dplyr and tidyr for generic data wrangling and cleaning. We’ll also look at dealing with dates, factors, and textual data specifically using the packages lubridate, forcats, and stringr, respectively. Note that this workshop does not cover ggplot2; for that we recommend our one-day workshop Data Visualisation with R and ggplot2.

By the end of this workshop, you’ll have a good understanding of the tidyverse ecosystem and you’ll be able to apply many of its packages to your own data.



You’re expected to have some experience with programming in R and RStudio. Our workshop Programming in R is one option that can help you with that.

Recommended preparation

Participants are kindly requested to have the following items installed prior to the start of the workshop:

I’ve previously delivered this workshop at

Gemeente Nijmegen
EQUATE Petrochemical Company ركة ايكويت للبتروكيماويات
Dutch Institute for Clinical Auditing

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Do you want to know more about this workshop? Curious how I can adapt it to your needs? Something else? Send an email to